Misc. Quotes on Orthodoxy / Quotes on Orthodoxy

“He counseled them, exhorting them not to be fainthearted and not to neglect the assiduous practice of the virtues.”

Although the divine Paul always lived in the mountains and in desert places, and shared his solitude and his food with wild animals, there were nevertheless times when he went down to the Lavra in order to visit the brethren.
He counseled them, exhorting them not to be fainthearted and not to neglect the assiduous practice of the virtues, but to persevere with all attentiveness and discrimination in their efforts to live according to the Gospels and in their courageous fight against the spirits of evil. He also taught them a method by which they could expunge ingrained passion-imbued dispositions as well as counteract new seeds of passion. You see how this holy father teaches his uninitiated disciples a method through which they could ward off the attacks of the passions? This method was none other than the art of keeping watch over the intellect, for it is only by keeping such watch that we can ward off the passions.

– from the Life of St. Paul of Mt. Latros, told by Nikiphoros the Monk. Philokalia Vol. 4

Featured image: Sinai desert. Photo department of American Colony, c. 1920-1933. Library of Congress