Quotes on Orthodoxy / St. Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia

“Make a new start every day, with new resolution, with enthusiasm and love, prayer and silence.”

A person can become a saint anywhere. He can become a saint in Omonia Square*, if he wants. At your work, whatever it may be, you can become saints—through meekness, patience and love.
Make a new start every day, with new resolution, with enthusiasm and love, prayer and silence—not with anxiety so that you get a pain in the chest. … Look on all things as opportunities to be sanctified.

St. Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia, Wounded by Love: The Life and the Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios

*in Athens, synonymous with vice and corruption

Featured image: Chapel at Fort Ross, north of San Francisco, early 1900s. source