Quotes on Orthodoxy / St. Jerome

“…as if this were a good work, and not the most defiled kind of study.”

The proud sin greatly who, after studying secular literature and having turned to the Holy Scriptures, consider all that they say to be the Law of God, and do not endeavour to come to know the thoughts of the prophets and apostles, but seek out from the scriptures inapropriate texts for their own thoughts, as if this were a good work, and not the most defiled kind of study: to distort the thoughts of Scripture and submit them to their own intentions, in spite of obvious contradictions…It is proper to children and charlatans to try to teach that which they do not know.

St. Jerome, Letter to Paulinus

Featured image: RAT GAS graffiti, as featured in Hobo Nickels issue #1 Photographed by author (Alana “Hobo Nickels” Solomon). 

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