Quotes on Orthodoxy / St. Gregory Palamas

“…an obscene medley of ugly sounds and sights, drowning the wretched soul…”

If you yearn to be enriched with holiness you should abide in your own cell, enduring hardship and praying with humility. For the cell of one rightly pursuing the monastic life is a haven of self-restraint. But all that lies outside, and especially what is found in market places and at fairs, constitutes an obscene medley of ugly sounds and sights, drowning the wretched soul of the nun who exposes herself to them.
One might also call this evil world a raging fire that devours those who come into contact with it and bums up every virtue they possess. The fire that did not burn was found in the desert (cf. Exod. 3:2)….you should abide in your cell and hide yourself a little until the tempest of passion has passed over you. When it has passed, spending time outside your cell will do you no harm.

St. Gregory Palamas. To the Most Reverend Nun Xenia, Philokalia, Vol. 4

Featured image: Sinai desert. Photo department of American Colony, c. 1920-1933. Library of Congress