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Abba Poeman

aka St. Pimen. Feast day: August  27. born 340, Egypt.
Holy Abba Poeman (340-450) was a Egyptian ascetic, described as a wise and gentle shepherd. In the monastery with his brothers, their rule was: At night, for 4 hours they worked with their hands, for 4 hours they slept, and for 4 hours they read the Psalter. In the day, from morning til noon they worked and prayed, and from noon until Vespers read and prepared supper, their only meal each 24 hours.
Word of Poeman’s deeds & virtues spread throughout the land. When the governor of the district wanted to see him, Poeman, shunning fame, thought to himself, If dignitaries start coming to me and show me respect, others will also come and disturb my quiet, and I shall be deprived of the grace of humility, which I have acquired only with the help of God. So he refused to see the governor, asking him not to come.
When the monastery was raided in 407, the monks scattered, and Abba Poeman fled with a few other monks to Terenuthis on the Nile, at first living in an abandoned pagan temple. The series of raids on monasteries in the area resulted in the diaspora further spreading the collective wisdom of the monks and resulting in the creation of the Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings of the Desert Fathers).
St. Poeman died peacefully at the age of 110. He was called the Great as a sign of his great humility, uprightness, ascetic struggles, and self-denying service to God.