Bishop Platon of Kostroma / Quotes on Orthodoxy

“Do more listening than speaking.”

If somebody comes to visit you, raise your heart to the Lord, praying to Him to give you a kind, gentle and collected spirit. Be friendly, modest, discreet, prudent, blind or deaf, according to the circumstances. Do not say anything inconsiderately, remember firmly that time is short and that we will have to give account for every useless word. Give your conversation a certain purpose and try to conduct it to the salvation of the soul. Do more listening than speaking: in much speaking you can not be safe from committing some sin.
Pray to God for the favor to speak and to be silent at the right time. Do not be curious about news: that will distract your spirit. If your words will be of use to someone, acknowledge in it the favor of God.

Bishop Platon of Kostroma, Rules of the Pious Life

Featured image: St. John Monastery near Ochrida. Photographer Bozhidar Dimitrov Karastoyanov, Bozhidar Dimitrov. University of Graz, Austria. source