Quotes on Orthodoxy / St. Theognostos

“Do not pursue theology beyond the limits of your present state of development.”

Do not try to embark on the higher forms of contemplation before you have achieved complete dispassion, and do not pursue what lies as yet beyond your reach…Do not pursue theology beyond the limits of your present state of development: it is wrong for us who are still drinking the milk of the virtues to attempt to soar to the heights of theology, and if we do so we will flounder like fledglings, however great the longing roused within us by the honey of spiritual knowledge.

St. Theognostos, “On the Practice of the Virtues, Contemplation, and the Priesthood.” Philokalia, Vol. 2

Featured image: “Nasa Bro, Mo.” c. 1860-1900. Photographer Ole Tobias Olsen. National Library of Norway.