My Work / Photography


Which Way EJ?
The “Triple Cities”: Endicott, Johnson, and Binghamton NY, 2017-2021

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2017 Binghamton steam
2017 Nannery's & the Brass Rail
2020 Binghamton diner
2020 Christmas tree, Endicott
2020 RAT GAS Boils on face
2020 RAT GAS Endicott Highway
2020 RAT GAS Scripture
2020 RAT GAS sickly
2020 Southside Binghamton
2021 Binghamton window
2021 Endicott business n.1
2021 Endicott business n.2
2021 Endicott under glass
2021 Laddie's
2021 RAT GAS Industry
2021 RAT GAS salvation
2021 RAT GAS sickly face scabs
2021 RAT GAS skin face scab, Endicott
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The Middle of the End
Seattle, WA, 2007-2017

Holga 120, Holga modified for 35mm, and various digital cameras

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2006 Bald Man dumpster
2007 Luxury couch
2007 Collonade
2007 Window
2007 Yard
2007 Seattle
2008 Self portrait in Seattle alley
2008 Hiding place
2009 Goat head n.1
2009 Goat head n.2
2011 Jazz Mom n.1
2011 Jazz Mom n.2
2014 Mark at the Chacha
2014 Greenwood swamp
2015 Really sorry
2015 Wedding dress
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