My Work / Photography

Photography: RAT GAS

Featured in the first issue of Hobo Nickels, RAT GAS is my own name for the extremely prolific artist of the “Triple Cities” area (Binghamton, Endicott, and Johnson City, NY), since “rat gas” is a term used in a few of his pieces. He wheat-pastes, staples, and nails hand-written posters with three main themes: God is good, drugs are bad, and abortion is wrong. Through presidencies and panics, he very rarely strays from these three topics.  Between 2017-2021 I photographed his work, and even had the chance to meet him once (he was a friendly man). These are some of those photos:

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Salvation (black & white)
Sickly Face Scabs (Binghamton)
Sickly Rat Gas
013 RAT GAS chems
014 RAT GAS chems (close-up)
For all saved
009 RAT GAS cornmffn
007 RAT GAS Jesus love us, downtown Binghamton
Drugys Hurt + Abuse
Jesus the Lamb (Binghamton)
016 RAT GAS Jesus the lamb, Johnson City
006 RAT GAS no jobs
005 RAT GAS painted over lung
No Jobs, Dope, No Wife
022 RAT GAS Jesus the lamb, Endicott
020 RAT GAS face boils (color)
God So Loved the World (Endicott Highway)
010 RAT GAS 3lb 5lb 7lb
011 RAT GAS drugys
017 RAT GAS baby lung
018 RAT GAS Come to Jesus
Skin Face Scab (Endicott)
Face Boil (Endicott Industry)
002 RAT GAS Scripture, Endicott
Boils on Face (Endicott)
019 RAT GAS God so loved the world, Endicott
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In over 15 years of involvement with graffiti/street art, even the most prolific artists rarely come close to the scale of RAT GAS, who will paste five, six, seven layers of his own work atop older pieces as they begin to deteriorate and fade, and who walks miles on foot across town to spread his messages. Any time I have occasion to visit the area I keep an eye out for him. RAT GAS sightings were one of my very favorite parts of living in the area.