Quotes on Orthodoxy / St. Theodoros the Great, Ascetic of Edessa

“The fragrance of a holy soul conveys to those who perceive it the holiness that lies within.”

The fragrance of a costly aromatic oil, even kept in a vessel, pervades the atmosphere of the whole house, and gives pleasure not only to those near it but also to others in the vicinity; similarly, the fragrance of a holy soul, beloved of God, conveys to those who perceive it the holiness that lies within.
When in the presence of one whose tongue utters nothing harsh and discordant, but only what is a blessing and benefit for those who listen, whose eyes are humble, whose ears do not listen to improper songs or words, who moves discreetly and whose face is not dissolute with laughter but rather disposed to tears and mourning, which of us will not feel that such a soul is filled with the fragrance of holiness?
Thus the Savior says: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).

St. Theodoros the Great Ascetic of Edessa, Philokalia, Vol. 1

Featured image: “Glass and shadows.” Photographer Adolphe de Meyer, ca. 1912. Museum of Arts & Crafts, Hamburg